Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The hole in the Wall

So, I did it. I fought the good fight. I stood up to the man and said "no way... not gonna do it" (Dana Carvey as Bush 1.0). I moved into a new apartment and I didn't get cable, or any other TV service. I said, why do I need this? There is no reason for it. Sure, I may work full-time in the media and marketing business, and television is certainly a big part of that. And, yeah, I have a really nice TV that I very much enjoy. And yes, I love watching new movies and honing my craft and professional work through the intake of the works of others... But no! I don't need this cable. I don't need to be paying for television! I have an antenna! I can get all my local channels for FREE... over the AIR! Mad Men Style!

But I failed. I failed miserably.

From about September to May I working a lot... a lot a lot. I was hardly home, and when I did come home it was dark and there was prime time TV on the broadcast networks. And often I was so tired that I felt more like going to bed than watching TV.

But now it's summer. Combine a better understanding of our workflow at work, and less to do in these lazy months and I find myself with this strange free time. Add on top of that the fact that I live in a beautiful little town... a wonderful little place... where everyone is married with kids. I am not. This town isn't designed for people my age. Its designed for people with great jobs and dogs. I live here because it is quite, nice and 7 minutes from my office.

So, recently I have found myself itching to get television service installed. I have looked into every option, and I want DirecTV... oh MAN do I want DirecTV! FiOS isn't available to my apartment, and I maintain that Comcast is basically evil. However, I am not sure if I'm allowed to put a dish on the roof of the building. And so Comcast may be my only option! Evil little buggers.

But yeah. I tried to stand up to the establishment... I tried to save the money, and forgo paying for television service, but i just can't. The world doesn't work that way. For my own sanity, I've decided to give in.