Monday, October 8, 2007

Dearest Ron,

This weekend, I found myself (as i so often do) hungry as a result of not eating in several hours. I took a jaunt over to McKinley food court, the self-proclaimed staple of variety for us Gators, in search of some food.

I walked in and, as usual, there were few options, seeing as it was the weekend. I surveyed my options: The Deli Line is almost always the same, and the grill was it's usual greasy and overcooked self. I went over the salad line to consider a healthy option since I could stand to be in better shape, but there was nothing enticing or special there either.

It was then that i turned to my last option, my Obi Wan Kenobi... My Only Hope: International. It was there that i saw "Buffalo Chicken Salad." I stared at it blankly. Was that the word Salad? I turned back to the Salad line to see if i was mistaken. Maybe i had misread something moments ago.... maybe i was going crazy!

Further investigation would show that i was NOT crazy. You did, in fact, serve Salad at one line and Buffalo Chicken SALAD at another! What is the deal Ron? There was nothing different about the BCS at international except that they threw some chucks of chicken on it, and a special sauce... By the way, bud.... you are not fooling anyone with your special sauce... we all know it is ranch dressing with a dash of Frank's Red Hot Sauce. Get over yourself.

What do you think of us, Ron? Do you think we have some kind of dementia or memory loss that we can look at the salad line and say "oh look! Salad!" and then turn slightly to our right, see international and say "oh look! Salad!"? I don't have Attention Deficit Disorder, I'm not Dory from Finding Nemo... (oh look, Sharks!)

Also why wouldn't you put the chicken and the "special sauce"at... wait for it Ron, you'll love it... THE SALAD LINE!................. IS THAT TOO MUCH LOGIC FOR SODEXHO??? And when did Buffalo secede from New York and the Union and become it's own country to qualify as INTERNATIONAL?

Get your act together, Ron.

In the end I bought the BCS, cause i am an idiot and wanted to pay 5.95 for 30 cents of food. It actually was delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad itwas tasty after all that stress and bother. Love you!