Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lets Talk about the Turnpike and 79 North

A) I drove back to school today. Pennsylvania Turnpike and 79 North. I drove at 74 MPH most of the way, cause it is posted at 65 and i believe that 9 miles over is the cut off for not being pulled over. (plus it is not the end of the month, so cops shouldn't be looking to fill quotas).

B) Speaking of cops... i believe they should be required to drive at or above the speed limit, and in the fast lane at all times. I HATE when they drive under speed limit in the slow lane... who wants to pass a cop?

C) I have always thought the 79/turnpike interchange at Cranberry is curvier than Britney Spears in her hot days, and think that people drive too fast on it, especially the semis (i suppose that is the old man in me talking). The cop i alluded to following above was headed for that interchange today. When we got there we came upon a tractor/trailer on its side. ON ITS SIDE. It looked like some kid had taken a matchbox car and just laid it gently against the jersey barrier on the interchange... and then blown all the windows out.

MORAL: Slow the crap down on the turns, trucks. GOSH!

D) The Cranberry toll plaza on the turnpike has a special lane where people with EZpass don't have to slow down, they just keep on trucking (hehe) and their EZpass unit is scanned. Those of us without EZpass have to get off and go through the toll plaza on the side like everyone has been doing since 1930.

Why then are there still "EZpass ONLY" lanes in the plaza where i get off to pay? I can understand making a couple that are EZpass AND Tickets, in case some moron with EZpass forgets to use the speed lanes in the middle, or just feels like driving through a narrow corridor just for giggles... but EZpass only? That is ridiculous. ARGH!

E) It is time for me to finish unpacking now. The record player is hooked up to the surround sound again, so it is time for some classic vinyl. Peace.

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