Friday, June 20, 2008

So Original

Ok... i do love this city. Honest. That is why i made sure to move here after school.

BUUUUUUUUUUT... i don't get some stuff. Like this article in the Post-Gazette this morning:

"Movie Review: 'Get Smart' a fun ride, but misses out on originality"

...sigh... Ok, Post-Gazette... Fun Ride? i'll allow it. Misses out on originality? Are you kidding me? It is a film adaptation of a 1960's TV show! (one that happens to also be a fun ride...) Are you missing this? How original is any adaptation ever going to be? If you are re-making something... that means it was already made. The original is already out there... the "originality ship" set sail in 1965... no one is EXPECTING this to be original. The PG might as well have said "Get Smart: A Movie." That is about as informative as "Get Smart.. not original."

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