Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some more things i have learned

A) REO Speedwagon cannot be listened to quietly. I tried today. When Handel was over, i elected to have The Wagon serenade me as i worked... i had to crank the earphones to get the right effect.

August 14th.... August 14th...

B) "Stuck Behind a Bus" would be both a challenging and terribly awful/frustrating arcade game, as evidenced my commute this morning. After getting away from the bus i was stuck behind on 65, i ended up behind a different one downtown. That'll add a good ten minutes to the commute.

C) Google is taking over the world, and I'm sadly behind. I found a new feature on google this morning called teh "Street View"... ok, so it was new to me. I spent the last four years in Meadville. If the street you are looking at is outlined in blue (most all of pittsburgh qualifies) you can click on it, and there are panoramic 360 degree pictures every 8 feet or so travelling down the street...

it is like driving. I saw my apartment, and the office, and people waiting for buses... nuts. Totally nuts.

soon the CIA will just be the GIA... the Google Intelligence Agency.

I bet if we think there are weapons of mass destruction somewhere in the future we'll just log on google... "oh look! there they are!... and what do you know, if you take that off ramp into that cave over there... Osama!"

Don't think it won't happen. We're almost there.

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