Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bike Share Time

So recently, in an effort to appease the liberals on global warming and the conservatives on saving money on fuel, Allegheny started a bike-share program. Not gonna lie: it rocks. The bikes are painted BRIGHT green; for serious, if the sun were green instead of yellow-ish orange and you were standing on the surface of it right in the middle of the nuclear fusion, this is the color you would be engulfed in.

Anyway, these bikes are left laying around campus and if you see one, you take it. Just make sure you leave it on campus when you are done. Beautiful. Haven't heard so many people asking each other "hey, wanna go ride bikes?" since i worked at A.D.D. camp a few summers ago.

The best part of these bikes is that they are ancient. No joke. Remember that episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman where they gave Sully the bike? (I have sisters, i was allowed to watch that show). I am pretty sure a lot of these are the same model. They are the kind of old where, when they break down, you call the college carpenter. Awesome.

the 'Ghetor

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