I don't want to go all Aaron Sorkin on TV, but lets be serious... some of these reality TV game shows suck.
Deal or No Deal... i can get behind that. I don't think it is very intellectual, and there isn't much to the game in the end... but it is god natured, and fun.
There is one, however, that has commercials... teasers, really... that make me feel like an evil British Gossip Bitch. That show is "Moment of Truth."
Watching the commercials make me snap into Jordan McDeere mode (Studio 60 reference) and vomit over the baseness of the program. They are enticing viewers by saying things like "last week, a woman risked sacrificing her marriage, only to lose the money on the followign questions... and you'll never believe what happens this week...."
Basically the show is marketing the opportunity for America to watch people expose thier problems, and then ruin their lives over it. And here is the troubling thing... People are tuning in. They are actually tuning in to watch this crap... and from what i hear people saying around lunch tables, we cannot get enough of it. To quote Wes Mendell on Studio 60, "We're eating worms for money. Who wants to screw my sister? Guys are getting killed in a war that's got theme music and a logo? That remote in your hands is a crack pipe. Oh, yeah, every once in a while we pretend to be appalled..."
Well, i AM appalled. I was hoping the end of the writers strike would also see the end of some of this media bile, but i suppose not. Maybe eventually we will all smarten up and start watching decent programming again, but i don't see i happening anytime soon, and that is tragic.