Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boy Price to visit White House


Mayor Lukey Ravenstahl, the Boy Prince of the Burgh is going to the White House to meet with Barak Obama...

Oh My God... I have not been this frightened for Pittsburgh since Tommy Maddox had to QB for Ben in the '04 season.

We are sending the DUMBEST elected official in the history of forever to the White House to brag about the time he met Tiger Woods and show off pictures of his baby. 20 bucks says he invites our President to a country music concert in "Burgettestahn" in "one of them homeland s'curity suv's they give me for bein' the mayor." I bet he also tries to tell Obama about how every knew his name at the "stillers" rally "yeah, they were all yellin "luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke"... completely unaware that EVERYONE in the entire stadium was shouting "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

I just pray that he doesn't wander into the Situation Room while they are putting and insist on a photo-op with the joint-cheifs. Gawd.

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