Friday, January 18, 2008

Oh Britney...

Dubbed "the hot mess" by someone at Allegheny's Collegiate Leadership Conference earlier this year, Britney Spears just cannot keep herself out of the crazy-light.

I was driving through Meadville the other night flipping through radio stations and i found "Nights with Alice Cooper" on the classic rock station in town. Alice Cooper, for those of you who don't know has never been considered exactly "normal".

He told some corny joke, but then started talking about Britney (some connection with Angus wearing a school uniform and Britney doing the same... i don't really remember). Anyway, Alice made some comment about "what happened to Britney? She is really messed up. I used to think she was just a little booze crazy, but i think she needs some major help. Lots of meds too, or soemthing." I don't remember EXACTLY what he said, but i think that was the gist of it.

Lets think about this for a second. When ALICE "I AM GOING TO PAINT MY FACE TOO LOOK LIKE A SCARY CROSS-DRESSER AND COVER MYSELF IN FAKE BLOOD AND ACT LIKE A MANIAC" COOPER says something is wrong with you, it is a good indication that your life is on the wrong track.

It reminds me of a story i heard on NPR's "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me!" when they had the guy from Veterinary ER show on. The guy was a bouncer for years for bands like the Rolling Stones and the Grateful Dead. He said that after spending years protecting these guys, Keith Richards took him aside and said "you really need to give up this bouncing and do something with your life, man."

He remark on the show was "when Keith Richards tells you to get you life together, you should probably listen!"

Anyway... Britney, you hot mess... here's hoping you get it together.

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