Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ye Be Talkin' like a Buccaneer!

So today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. People the world over say things like "Ye be walkin' the plank, scalawags!"... either that or they careen around doing bad Keith Richards impersonations, and slurring their words, adding "savvy?" to the end of everything. (shudder) too much eye make-up.

Naturally, being from the burgh, i donned my Jason Bay jersey, and headed off for class saying things like "thanks God we fired Littlefield!" and "alright, boys. Next year, we will finally play some .500 ball!," and of course, the ever popular "hey, remember the 1970's and "we are family?" those were the days." Yeah, i can talk like a Pirate.

the 'Ghetor

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